Ciao! Since my friends Tesssaaaaaa are sooosoosooo slow to make a post about them self, I decided to just write a post and not wait for them xd So last night we had some chill time at Saras place with Tessa and Lotta. We had cucumber, chips, pop-corn, dip and some other jummy stuff and just talked, danced and just had a chill Saturday! The high point of the night was when we had to walk from Sara's palace to our friend Jerrys house. On the was to Jerry we found this trolley/metal pram. It was so cold so we thought that, if one of us would push the trolly they would get warm. And so Lotta started pushing us in the trolley and in one stage when it was Tessas turn again, Lotta drove in to a snow pile and Tessa flies threw the air xdd haha lol haven't laughed this much as I laughed this night for ages! Even after that Tessa had flied thre the air we continued to Jerry's place! From the place that we found the trolley to his house was probably over 1km and it was freezing! The hardest part was getting the heavy trolly up this really big hill. Lotta and Tessa were pushing and I was pulling. Since it was freaking slippery I slip forward on my face and we all just fall on the ground laughing! haha xd But thank god we all got alive to Jerry's place and had a great evening with some fun adventure ;)

ℒove, Alexandra
ReplyDeletesiis häh xdd sori en oikee tajunnnnuuu xd
ReplyDeletewhat the fuck is up with your (?) laugh................... horrible... like a little boy... evil
ReplyDeletesooo true anonymous !!!!!!!!