Saturday, March 31, 2012

new in

Helloo guys! I need to tell the other girls to start blogging a little bit more often on this blog... xd Well this week has gone sooo fast , we have our testweek now so that is also a reason why we cant blog that often. But today we are going to ronjas place with the girls and we'll see if we end up anywhere else in the end of the night. Here are some pictures of some new stuff i bought this week when i was shopping with my mum yay. ps. don't mind the paper bags in the background, i've been cleaning my closet and i had to throw away (actually we are giving them away or selling them) some old clothes that i dont like and use anymore.

Thursday, March 29, 2012


Helloooo! First of all I have to say that test week isn't that bad as everyone says it is, i think it's kind of chill. But yesterday wasn't that chill haha, I had to study to my math test that i had today and i was sooo stressed over it, because i'm in the "long" harder math group.... But i did the test today and i think it went quite goood! YAAAYY, well i can't be sure, but i think it went well. And another weekend starts today, because i dont have a test tomorrow so wohooooooo! awesome right. You can see how happy i am, because i took the time to take these pictures just for this blogpost lol

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Love basket

hey guys! So I have been sick the whole week so far and have not been blogging much at all :(Here is a cute collage with a lovely spring outfit! if you click it you can see wher to buy the produvts and soo on xd

ℒove, Alexandra ♡

Monday, March 26, 2012

excited anyone?

Tamtamtaaaaaaaaa (dramatic sound), anyone excited for the last part of twiligt? I just want to see edward on the big screen again, *drooooooooool* haha. Here you go, the trailer teaser

Thursday, March 22, 2012

going to shanghai !

my mom told me yesterday that we're going to Shanghai on our easterholiday, so i'm going to china in two weeks. Ive been to Shanghai once before 2 years ago, and i loooved the city !

xo anna

tasty pictures from today

Just came out of the shower and I am soon ready to go to bed! Before I hit the sack I will share some pictures that I took today i was a bit booooored so I decided to take some pictures xd

ℒove, Alexandra ♡


Well today I bought a pair of pants and i really love them, and then a black blouse :) 


the cutest ever!

Today I have just been chilling at home and trying to fix my "new" blog on nattstad that I moved from blogspotttt. Yesterday Sami was at my place and he is just sooo cute when he is grumpy :D He would not stop playing draw something so I just had to irritate him a bit ;) hahah I know that he really does not like that I kiss him when I have lipstick.. so yeah... I decided to kiss his whole face full of lip stick marks xd hah poor baby :DD

And btw... I just have the most adorable dog ever xdd Morris is just so weird ... how many dos like to sit by the window and look out and likes to eat salad, bread, strawberries and cries if he is not allowed to sit on the chair next to me when I eat my breakfast xd?

ℒove, Alexandra ♡

heels from heaven

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

dr. fish

Well today has been a very chill day :) I went with Tessa, Anna and Sara to dr fish and it was actually very nice and i liked it very much. I promised to go there with my mum too. I recommend :) 



italy was amazing, heres a collage ive made for u, just a few pics from my trip:)ps dont know what happened with the quality

my own blog

I'm sure some of you didn't know this, but I actually have my own blog. I wanted to keep it as a "secret" from this blog and my friends for a while because I wasn't sure if I was going to keep blogging. I made it about a month ago and now when I've had it a while and I'm pretty sure I will keep blogging I decided to tell you about my own blog. So I have my blog on nattstad and I write in swedish. So go and check it out. PEACEEEEEEEEEE // Isabella (click this)

Monday, March 19, 2012

good night


something that we won't regret

hey guys! So today has been pretty crazy! Me and Tessa decided to do this one thing today and it was freaking awesome! I am sooosoooo happy that I could jump around naked... hahah just kidding xdd but you got the point xdbtw... Ima just in love with these really super cute small gifs! Like in my pervious post where i posted a pig that said hi xd they are just adorableeeee <33 haha
ℒove, Alexandra

my week in åre

i havent written anything here for like a week and now i thought i could tell you a little about my trip to å trip to åre with karkki was aaaaawesome!! we went there to ski but we ended up partying so much that we couldn't ski that much. i love sweden and especially the best club in åre was amazing ! a big house with 2 floors and people dancing everywhere!

the trip was aaaawesome! here's some pics :

some åresongs

it really was a perfect week


Kony guy masturbating

So I'm sure all of you have heared about the Kony video that everyone was posting on their blogs and on facebook a couple of weeks ago. First of all I want to say that I really hope that they will stop Kony and the things everyone is doing to succeed is making me sooo happy.
But have you heared the latest news about this guy? You know the guy who made the kony video and was talking in it and so on...He was arrested recently, and you are gonna laugh when you hear why. He was arrested because he was masturbating in public LOL. Silly thing to get arrested for !! I think they are over reacting, everyone masturbates and he did it once in public and got caught because he is "famous" now. Ohh and check out this video I found on youtube HAAHAHA TimothyDelaghetto made a parody of this.

Before I die


Sunday, March 18, 2012

Chill weekend

Hey everyone! This weekend has been really chill! It has actually been really calm lately. Chill weekend, with movie nights and stuff like that. It has been really nice to have chill weekends now and then, but soon I will get tired of then and will need some wild weekends :DD

So on friday we just stayed at tessas place and chilled there with Bella and Tessa. But for the night I went to samis place :) On saturday our plans got a  bit messed up, but me and Tessa decided to come to my place. Later Niro, Seve, Roy and Sami joined us! The evening was really chill and fun! here are 3 songs that have been on replay this weekend and now I have all of them in my head...xd especially tyttö sinä olet meritähti xd...


ℒove, Alexandra

summer feeling

yayyyy sara got home from italy today! i can exercises againnnnn! and i'm over all in a great mood hihi, I found some really awesome summer clothes last friday and here are one shirt i bought. goooosh i love it! Hope you had a fun weekend, i atleast had an awesome weekend! hugsss isabella PS. dont judge my retard hand, i tried to be cool XDDDDD

Saturday, March 17, 2012

gettin' ready

Yooooooooo DUUUDES IT'S MY DOGS BIRTHDAY TODAY! hahaha and I'm excited for tonight, I hope it will be awesome! Yesterday was fun and chill, we were at tessas party place with alexandra and tessa (Jasmina and Ronja joined us later) and we went outside to visite some friends and a guy from norway (???) But right now I'm in a suuuuuuuuper good mood and i'm dancing like a crazy person to some party music in my room. Ps. Check out!! I got my "wanhat" pictures hihihihi.